Amino Acids Hyaluronic Acid Skin Revitalizer 3.4fl.oz

$2,880.00 $2,592.00

Only in Taiwan

Give skin an energy boost


Recommended for sensitive skin Dry skin Oily skin Combination skin
flaky skin, flushed skin, acne skin, irritated skin

Main ingredients
Ectoin胺基酸肌膚能量因子 ➠

No alcohol/ No perfume/ No colorants
No animal ingredients/ No animal testing
Suitable for pregnant women and post-treatment skin
Dermatest ➠
span style=”color: #4b4848;”>Guaranteed safe by SGS

補水度 ★★★★★
Emollient ★★☆☆☆
Lightness ★★★★★

Amino Acids Hyaluronic Acid Skin Revitalizer 3.4fl.oz



ATP Amino Acids

Rich in amino acids, carbohydrates, minerals and algal protein to increase ATP activity, gives skin an energy boost and prevent skin aging.


High Molecular Weight Hyluronic Acid

Contains HA with a molecular weight of 1.8 million Daltons to absorb and seal moisture into the skin.


Medium Molecular Weight Hyaluronic Acid

Contains HA with a molecular weight of 30,000-50,000 Daltons to help moisture penetrate into the skin for a smoother, softer touch.


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