Improving Your Appearance Starts from the Source

I remember the first time that I started using skin care products was when I was in high school. At that time, I was most concerned about acne and freckles. Back then, there weren’t the smartphones that are so ubiquitous nowadays. Skin care information came from TV stations, magazines, and blogs on the Internet. Later, I came into contact with medical skin specialists. With the advice of elders, I started to slowly understand what I now know about the proper method and approach to skin care.

Speaking of skin care attitude, I would like to remind all the gentlemen who care about their appearance to remember that everyone only gets one layer of skin. Skin is the biggest organ of our body, and it is part of our immune system. 

What’s interesting is that everyone’s skin may seem to look about same, but actually each person’s skin is different. Just like all the plants in the world may all seem to look green, but each plant is actually different from the others.

Applying skin care products is like helping your skin to rebuild its sebum membrane. The main parts of the sebum membrane are water and cermamide. Water and ceramide are as important to your skin as water and sunlight are to a plant. They seem simple, but they are of great importance.

 Regarding skin care, one often hears the saying “Less is More”. Giving your skin needed nutrients is the only way to awaken the skin’s natural self-healing power and help your skin return to a healthy state. To improve your appearance, you have to start from the source.

Cosmeceutical Consultant Andrie